What Kaua'i residents and folks throughout the islands are saying...
(Click HERE for Organization & Union Endorsements)
(Click HERE for Organization & Union Endorsements)
Addressing health needs and housing:
"Thank you for your hard work, advocacy, and support for preventive dental benefits for adults on Medicaid. This has been a labor of love for so many of us. It's been a pleasure to work with you on this issue!" -- Nancy Partika, Oral Health Coalition Advocacy Volunteer |
On strengthening agriculture:
"I hope you can imagine how much I appreciate what you have done for me and the other farmers who have suffered under illegal restrictions on Ag-zoned lands. I am so lucky to have a representative like you. Mahalo!" -- John Wooten, Wooten's Produce of Kaua'i, Moloa'a |
Managing our streams and watersheds to reduce future flooding:
"Mahalo nui for supporting us. We are so grateful. Funding to clear our streams of invasive species and HB 1768 will ensure that kalo farming will continue in Wai'oli, far into the future." -- Chris Kobayashi, Wai'oli Taro Farmer |
Removing substandard minimum wage for disabled indiviuals:
"Thank you so much for all your support and guidance. So now, individuals with disabilities can make more money, save more money, and not have to worry about losing their Medicaid benefits. Thank you for your hard work on this bill!"
-- Jack Yatsko, Chief Operating Officer, Clubhouse International
Recognizing the work and future pay of emergency dispatchers:
"I am humbly grateful that you supported us and sponsored HB73. I have been working in 9-1-1 for almost 34 years. You brought attention to Emergency Dispatchers, who give of themselves elflessly to support their communities. I have added you to my list of heores and hope one day to meet you!" -- Davlynn Racadio, Maui Police Department |
Addressing Section 8 housing vouchers:
"Your attention to this issue and support of Section 8 housing is commendable. Not once did I hear from your office, "call your own legislator." Your office just took action, Thank you for your service and leadership." -- Charmaine Doran, Pearl City Section 8 Landlord |
"Nadine has been a true advocate for Kapa 'a public school students and the school community. Nadine's true caring nature shows in everything she does. She will do good for all Kaua'i as our State Representative."
-- Larry Fernandes
"Aunty Nadine always could be counted on... with PTSA activities and events, youth sports teams, and our youth theatre program. I'm proud to support Aunty Nadine as our next State Representative."
--Lawson Fernandes, "Future Politician"